造谣媒体 Rumor propaganda

新华社 Xinhua News


Xinhua News is one of the most respected state sponsored media in China. However, its reports on the August Zhang Zhehan event and the recent reports on CAPA’s respons to Li Xuezheng’s questions have been more than disappointing. Other than the well known fact that the Xinhua reporter Bai Ying is one of the CAPA board members, CAPA also have many financial ties with Xinhua News. CCTV personnel is also involved in the network. 

朱继东 Zhu Jidong


2015: 被曝博士论文抄袭 

2016: 带头呼吁抵制美货抵制肯德基,结果自己用Iphone发微博

2021: 8月网爆张文宏医生,导致张文宏退网。 8月中因为樱花照带头讨伐张哲瀚,导致张哲瀚被封杀社死。9月网爆大连日本风情街, 导致该街关闭。 

然而他妻子是真精日,喜欢穿和服。 女儿公然侮辱中华少数民族。 

He works for Chinese Academy of Social Sciences, the chief editor for Ideology Torch. He played an important role in propagating rumors  in August Zhang Zhehan Sakura picture event. In 2015, there were evidence that he plagiarized his PhD thesis. In 2016, he started a movement to boycott American products in China starting with boycotting KFC, yet he uses an iPhone to post Weibo. In August of 2021, he started with defaming Dr. Zhang Wenhong, leading epidemiologist in the fight against Covid in China, causing the doctor to close out all his social media accounts. A week later in August, he lead the propagating of rumors in the 813 Zhang Zhehan Sakura picture event, which destroyed Zhang Zhehan’s career. In September 2021, he started boycott event for Japanese themed festival in Dalian, causing the festival to be shut down. Yet , his wife is real Pro-Japan. His daughter publicly insults Chinese ethnic minorities. 

813 煽动民粹
抄袭事件 Plagiarize
老婆精日 女儿侮辱少数民族 Wife Pro-Japan Daughter Insult Ethnic Minorities

No Respect for Chairman Mao

Total Hypocrisy


Boycott Tang Festival in Dalian

Spreading rumors about Dr. Zhang Wenhong

共青团中央 Central Committee of the Communist Youth League

共青团中央是中国共产主义青年团中央委员会出版的刊物,是不折不扣的党媒。在八月张哲瀚赏樱事件中也是充当领头批斗的主力。 可最让人失望的是9月3号小编咸鱼王中王写了一篇名叫: 炮楼里的鬼子投降了,有些人心里的还没有 (链接如下)。 里面大篇幅的造谣污蔑,用豆瓣八卦上的图片作为证据。造谣张哲瀚与黛薇夫人的关系,造谣张哲瀚赏樱花的路线。虽然微博文本身删了,但那片文章还在共青团的微博账号底下,也在微信公众号底下。 可是,共青团中央真的是党媒吗? 其实早就被资本操控了。共青团中央网络影视中心是该组织旗下的企业,它持有昆仑文化传播有限公司一半的股权。昆仑文化传播有限公司的高管有王倩。王倩是张邵刚的妻子。张绍刚是海西传媒的老板之一。龚俊又是海西传媒底下的艺人。最近龚俊已母亲(邓琴宝)和自己名下的企业名义入股海西传媒,已经是该公司的第三大股东。错综复杂的关系,把共青团中央和海西传媒连在一起。所以八月九月他们利用党媒的公职来污蔑讨伐一个演员的目的也显然易见。 毕竟,张哲瀚和龚俊还有海西传媒旗下的多名艺人是竞争对手的关系。 

Central Committee of the Communist Youth League (CCYL)  is a government organization within the Chinese Communist Party. Their news release can be considered as the CCP government media. During the August Zhang Zhehan event, they played an important role in leading the defamation of Zhang Zhehan and calling to boycott and cancel the actor. The most disappointing thing is on September 3rd, 2021, they published an article called : The ghosts in gun turret have called for truce, but not the ones in some people’s hearts  (link below). The article spread many rumors regarding Zhang Zhehan, using pictures from Douban gossip column as evidence. It lied about the relationship between Zhang Zhehan and Dewi as well as the route Zhang Zhehan took during his cherry blossom trip. Even though the weibo post has been deleted from the account, the article is still posted on both Weibo and Wexin. But if one analyze closely, one will find that CCYL has many financial ties within the Chinese entertainment industry. CCYL Net Film and Television Center is a company under the organization’s name. The company holds 50% shares of Kunlun Arts Center. Wang Qian is one of the executives at Kunlun Arts Center. Wang Qian is also the wife of Zhang Shaogang, who is one of the owners of Haixi Communications. Haixi Communications is a large company in the entertainment industry who’s main business is the management of artists including Simon Gong (Gong Jun). Simon Gong had used his mother (Deng Qinbao) and his company’s name to purchase shares of Haixi Communications. Currently he is the holder of third largest percentage of shares of Haixi. This complex network links CCYL to Haixi Communications. Then it is easy to see why CCYL was so keen on defaming and boycotting Zhang Zhehan, who is a competitor to Simon Gong and many other artists managed by Haixi Communications. 

炮楼里的鬼子投降了,有些人心里的还没有 The ghosts in gun turrent have called for truce, but not the ones in some people’s hearts

共青团中央和海西传媒的关系 Connection Between CCYL and Haixi
海西传媒和龚俊的关系 Connection Between Haixi and Simon Gong

半月谈 Fortnightly Chat

半月谈是新华社旗下刊物,被中宣部盖章为官媒。 在八月张哲瀚樱花时间中也是带头讨伐批判。当作家靳安发微博问难道靖国神社连参观都不能参观了, 他们回复是:不能 永远。直接导致靳安微博账号被封。让所有理性的人都不在敢为张哲瀚说话。 然而,半月谈曾经公然为流量明星肖战打榜,利用公职方便为肖战宣传。同时也是丑闻连篇。 10月17日,中纪委也宣布其前副主编胡玉霞涉及违规违法,已经被调查。 

Fortnightly Chat is a newspaper released under Xinhua News Agency, a government media certified by Central Propaganda Department. During the August Zhang Zhehan Sakura event, they led in criticism and denunciation. When author Jin An asked is it forbidden to visit Yasukuni Shrine? Their answer is: Cannot visit, forever. That directly resulted Jin An’s Weibo account to be deleted. There have been multiple incidence in the past year that Fornightly Chat used its news release to vote and advertise for another popular male star Xiao Zhan, when it’s forbidden by Central Propaganda Department. On October 17th, Central Commission for Discipline Inspection reported that Hu Yuxia, former associate editor in chief for Fortnightly Chat is involved in under table dealings and is under inspection. 

文章链接 Article Link

中国国家新闻出版广电报 China Media Group

中华人民共和国国家新闻出版广电局的刊物,也属于官方媒体。 此部门专攻出版业。 8月18日,他们发博文批评张哲瀚的“读书人设”, 同时提到张哲瀚书单里的《海边卡夫卡》和《刺杀骑士团长》两本书都有介绍靖国神社。然而这个谣言很快被揭穿,网友发现两本书都没有提到靖国神色哪怕一次 (详情请见813 弊谣中心网页)。 出版广电报的工作人员可见不读自己出版的书籍,出了大丑。为了避免被群众笑话,他们已经删除该博文。 

China Media Group is mainly involved in publishing industry. It’s own news media agency is considered a government sponsored propaganda. On August 18th, 2021, they posted on Weibo criticizing Zhang Zhehan’s ‘reader persona’ and mentions 2 books on Zhang Zhehan’s booklist, Kafka by the Shore and Killing the Commandatore both talked about Yasukuni Shrine. It was soon discovered that neither book mentions Yasukuni Shrine even once (details can be found in 813 truth website). It is obvious the editors of this news media do not read books their own agency publishes. In order to avoid being the laughing stock on the nation, they quickly deleted this Weibo post. 

10月底, 中国国家新闻出版广电报意识到自己出丑,所以撤出了所有平台上对张哲瀚的不实报道。知网收录也撤了下来。 By the end of October, China Media Group removed all articles about Zhang Zhehan based on false information to avoid continuing being a laughing stock. They also removed the record from China National Knowledge Infrastructure. 

造谣营销号 Rumor KOL

营销号原本是为了宣传营销某种理念,可到了娱乐圈,就变成了八卦造谣的开始点。 营销号一般都是企业在背后运营,有些专门挖某些明星的黑料。在娱乐圈,他们已经变成新时代的黑社会。不过不想让营销号曝某个明星的黑料,那就得交足保护费。8月13到15日之间,有上百个营销号曝张哲瀚黑料,并且带动舆论去讨伐他。很明显,是保护费没有交足。以下是部分下场的营销号,还有很多就不一一列举。 更狡猾的是, 他们打游击战,可以随便改名,让你无从追寻。  

KOL standards for Key Opinion Leaders. They were originally used to propagate a certain thought process or opinion. However, in the Chinese entertainment industry, it seems like their main function is to start and spread rumors about artists. They are usually commercial accounts ran by certain companies. For some of them, their main purpose is to dig up dirt on certain artists. In the Chinese entertainment industry, they have became the new age mafia. For them to not spread rumors, the artists’ team must pay them off. During August 13-15th, hundreds of KOLs were involved in starting and spreading various rumors about Zhang Zhehan. It is quite obvious that Zhang Zhehan did not pay them enough money. What’s more frustrating is they change their name frequently, it is almost impossible to keep track of who spread what rumor. 

腾讯鹅厂 Tencent

腾讯自八月以来关于张哲瀚的谣言就没有停止过。他们最离谱的谣言是给黛维夫人换老公。许多文章造谣黛维夫人的丈夫苏加诺是印尼辱华总统。 然而苏加诺是中国的老朋友 (细节请见813弊谣中心网页)。 这个谣言已经超越娱乐圈范围,严重的话很可能影响国家外交关系。 直到今日,鹅厂旗下的许多微信公众号还在继续污蔑张哲瀚。 

Since August, Tencent has never stopped creating rumors about Zhang Zhehan. Their most ridiculous rumor is that Dewi’s husband President Sukarno is involved in the Chinese mass killing events in Indonesia. When in fact, President Sukarno is a long time friend of the Chinese Communist Party. The effects of this rumor extends beyond the entertainment industry and could result in a diplomatic disaster under the wrong circumstances. Even today, multiple public accounts on Weixin continue to publish articles for the purpose of defaming Zhang Zhehan. 

娱乐牛小妹 Yule Niu Xiao Mei
东邪西媚 Dong Xie Xi Mei
瓜田记事本 Gua Tian Ji Shi Ben
圈内口水娃 Quan Nei Kou Shui Wa
兵哥哥教我踢正步 Bing Ge Ge Jiao Wo Ti Zheng Bu
圈大哥 Quan Da Ge
麻辣表哥 Ma La Biao Ge
八哥 Ba Ge
毒舌扒客 Du She Ba Ke
娱乐圈外汉 Yu Le Quan Wai Han
娱乐明星团 Yu Le Ming Xing Tuan
综艺小黑 Zong Yi Xiao Hei
综艺星私常 Zong Yi Xing Si Chang
蓝鲸铲史官 Lan Jing Chan Shi Guan
娱乐圈小天才 Yu Le Quan Xiao Tian Cai
娱乐圈小鬼 Yu Le Quan Xiao Gui
圈内娱公 Quan Nei Yu Gong
嗑瓜子每日专用 Ke Gua Zi Mei Ri Zhuan Yong