
12月3日晚,李学政转发了张哲瀚母亲关于8月和过去三个月的事情发出的声音. 此文发完引来很多转发和舆论, 然而目前还是没有媒体敢于报道. 

December 3 evening, Li Xuezheng posted on Weibo a speech from Zhang Zhehan’s mother regarding the even in August and these past 3 months. After posting, this received tremendous attention from the netizens in China in terms of reposts and comments. However, no media outlet is brave enough to report about it so far. 


Hello everybody! I am Zhang Xia, artist Zhang Zhehan’s mother, also someone who was a member of the the Chinese Communist Party for 36 years. Due to the sakura pictures he took on March, 2018 while travelling in Japan, on August 13th, 2021, my son went through detrimental cyber violence that was not seen in previous history. I want to discuss the traumatic effect this event had on myself and my son. 

On August 13th, my son was still working in Shanghai. Previously, there had always been all sorts of ridiculous rumours aimed at defaming him. But it reached climax after Aug 13th, all one sided rumors and verbal abuse all over the internet, calling him names like national traitor and spy. Amidst the stormy distorted opinions on the internet, he was totally cancelled on all social network platforms within 3 days. The abuse included changing Baidu encyclopedia, changing national history, making up stories, digging into the private matter of family members, making up rumors about family members. They have even included the rumors about him in textbooks in many elementary and middle school education. His name became a taboo on multiple social media networks… More than ten years of hard work for his dream was completely erased while every article denouncing him and making rumors about him circulated widely on the internet. All the positive words he expressed previously loving his nation are totally gone. They have also removed all his acting work. He told me he ever went into Yasukuni Shrine. He didn’t even go visit, let alone worship. Everything about him on the internet is not true and he agrees to be inspected by the government. I thought, if people can decide his character based on a few pictures, then he had many pictures that showed he loved his nation, he fought for the pride of his nation. There were countless records of how he participated in charity organizations to help the people and the nation. These aspects show that he is positive, hardworking and loves his nation. Are those not enough to show that his positive energy and has a nationalist heart? He was ruled by public opinion and trialed on the internet. Most of the accusations towards him are based on information circulated on the internet without any verification. Facing such widely circulating information, we do not have any chance to explain. As a result, we feel depressed and helpless. But considering the situation of the whole society, we try no to the a burden to the country, to the government. We have been keeping all the pains inside and force ourselves to not say anything. We believed that after the Party and government finished their investigation, the facts will help them to achieve the just conclusion. However, as a mother, I can’t accept that my son’s name is denounced like this. He is only 30 years old! His future, his career was destroyed by some pictures from 3 years ago! That is not enough, he also has to live in other people’s accusations and prejudice! This time when he came home, his first words when he saw me was: “Mama, I am ashamed, I am 30 years old and you still have to worry about me.” I was in tears but he said, “why are you crying? I am still very healthy.” His health and positivity was my greatest comfort! But his favorite nephew was only 4 years old, didn’t want to face him. The boy said that uncle is a bad man and covered his face as he was afraid to see him. As soon as my son saw that, he went to his room and was in tears… He is such as strong man normally, but he broke down at that moment. When I saw it as his mother, at that moment, I felt my heart was shredded into pieces! I am mother, I raised him up, our nation guided him, but at the best age he is able to repay his nation, he was cancelled by the fierce competition in his field and cancelled by internet opinions. 

My son was raised in a party member family, his parents are both members of the party (his father passed away due ot illness at 2016). His maternal grandfather was an official in justice department who was loyal to the party and hardworking. Early in his career, he passed away due to coronary artery disease while on the job. In my generation of 6 siblings, 4 are members of the party. In my son’s generation, 5 of them reached adulthood and 3 are members of the party. They all work hard at their jobs for the party. Our whole family loved the party and loved our country! My son was raised in the warmth of the party’s arms. I always educated him to love the party and country as well as the best qualities of the older generation. We educated him to the kind, honest, brave, strong, and hardworking. My son grew up in a positive environment. He is not perfect. He has deficiencies, but he doesn’t have a stained history. Those rumors saying that I am some Japanese’s mistress, that he is a mixed Japanese, also that my company Yatarou has Japanese investments (it was a small enterprise, with absolute no Japanese elements, and business was stopped because it was losing money), all Japanese elements they tried push on us were absolutely false. They did it on purpose to slander and insult us. 

During these past 3 months we lived in fear, despair, anger, and depression. My son was afraid to go outside. I envy every other person in this society. I feel living in this despair was too hard to handle. I even thought about ending my life to awaken other people’s kind hearts. But my son always comforted me, he told me to believe the party and believe our nation. He even tried to educate me: you are suppose to me a seasoned party member, we have to believe that justice may be late, but will never be missing! My son’s words reminded me, made me strong! We believe the party and nation will reach the righteous judgement, will find out the truth about the whole event and allow us to have a way to continue our lives and careers. 

Once again I swear: if my son went into the shrine, our whole family can go die! I swear on the name of our party and people that everything I say is the truth! Thank you everyone, thank Li Xuezheng for taking the courage to speak!

4 thoughts on “张哲瀚母亲的发言”

  1. Hello I am a mother just like you and I understand the pain Passing I trust in God and everything will be solved soon and let’s see ZzH again working and we continue to support him, 🥰🥰🥰🥰🇲🇽🇲🇽

    1. Right when 813 happened, my one question was so what if he took a picture un front of the shrine. It’s not as if he went inside and light incense to those dead Japanese soldiers. Thank you, mama Zhang, for confirming that your son did not and will never have step in into such a place. As a mother too, I feel your pain when your son is vilified and neither if you have any means to address this injustice. Hold on to each other. Believe in each other that this dark episode in your son’s life will be over soon.

  2. 나는 한국인인데,장저한직접작사한 노래가사를알기위해 중문공부를 시작했다.
    한달도 안되어 813사건은 너무 충격이었어 . 너무우울하고 마음이 찢어지는것같았어.야스구니를 왜갔을까?
    그러나 유튜브에서 장저한은 단지 벗꽃관광을 갔을 뿐이라는 영상을 봤어요.! 나는 한국인으로서 그가 신사에 참배하지않은것이 너무 다행이지만,중국에서 그를 변호하는 글이 삭제된다는 사실은 우리 한국 팬들의 마음을 또 아프게하고, 그를 도울 방법도 없는 상황에서 그와 그의엄마가 당할 고통을 생각하며 너무너무괴로웠어 .장저한때문에 관심생겼던 중국드라마도 도저히볼 수가 없있어.
    다른 배우들이 멀쩡한걸보면 장저한의 고통스러운 상황이 생각나서 도저히 볼수도없고 보고 싶지도 않았다.
    지난달 말에 장저한이 또다시 금지되었다는 소식에 완전 절망할 그순간 李学政老师가 기적같이 나타났다!
    그리고 나는 매일 웨이브를 봤어요! 813이후 나는 웨이브도 싫어져서 안봤는데, 그분의 글은 너무 감동적이어서 ,반공교육을 받고자란 내가 ,그분이 당과국가를 믿는 다고 하는 말의 의미를 알것같았어!
    중국의 jellyfishes의 영상을 보며 장저한과 그의엄마가 잘 버티기를 바랐는데 , 나는 12월4일에 그의어머니의글을봤어!
    그때는 번역판이 없어서 나는 사전을 찾아가며 울며 해석을 했어 ! 눈앞에 보고있는듯한 느낌이었어!
    그와 그의 어머니가 그런 엄청난 고통속에서도 잘 버티고 있어서 너무나 고마웠어요!
    오늘은 드디어 중국의 유관기관에서 조사를 시작했다는 사실을 들었어! 이건 정말 기적이야!
    장저한! 다시 돌아와서 당신의 그 다재다능하고 유일무이하고 대체불가능한 능력,독특한 그 성격에서나오는 매력적인 모습으로 우리에게 다시 와줘요!
    장저한,당신이 부른 모든 노래들의가사를 (유튜브에있는 사십여개노래들) 나는 다 공부했어.
    어서와서 새로운 노래도 다시 불러줘요! 그 목소리는 얼마나 아름 다운 목소리야! 우리가 다시 들을 수 있다니!
    张哲瀚老师! 건강하게 지내고 힘내요! 엄청 많은 국제팬들이 있어요!
    당신처럼 억울하게 그런 크나큰 고통을 당한 연예인도 없지만 ,또 함께 고통을 나누고싶어하는 ,이런 종류의 진심어린 지지와사랑을 받은 연예인도 전세계에서 당신이 유일할거에요!

  3. 我是韩国人。我开始学习中文来解释Zzh的歌曲。但是不久之后发生了8•13事件,他感到担心、愤怒、无力感。
    在没有一个有希望的消息, 非常绝望的时候, 这位政老先生奇迹般地出现了!
    我受过反共教育长大, 但听了李老先生热情洋溢的讲话, 我感受到了他热爱党和中国人民的真心。
    每天看他的文章, 看到Zzh母亲的文章, 把它写在纸上, 查字典解释, 我哭得眼睛都肿了。
    还有今天终于在李老先生的文章中写到:”有关部门开始调查。 看到这样的文字了!

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